Below are the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions. If you have any queries about a potential application or would like to get in touch with us about our funding programmes please do not hesitate to get in touch. A copy of our Safeguarding statement is also available on request.


How long will it take for a decision on my application?

For main grants, decisions are communicated in early June and early December.  When you make an application for a small grant we will respond with an indication as to when a decision will be made.

Do you offer multi-year funding?

Yes – we are willing to consider applications for up to three years.

Can small grants be multi-year?

No – Multi-year funding applications will need to go through the main grants process.

Are there other grant makers in Scotland that I could apply to?

We would recommend using the SCVO Funding Scotland search engine at www.funding.scot

Can I still apply if my organisation has previously been refused a grant?

Yes – as long as you are applying for a project that meets the Trust’s charitable objects and your organisation is eligible to apply.

If we are already in receipt of an award, can we apply for another grant?

Generally, the Trust will only fund an organisation for one grant at a time. If you are coming towards the end of one award and would like to apply for a new grant then we would suggest getting in touch with the Director to agree the best time to apply.

Do you fund core costs?

The Trust is willing to consider supporting core costs for charities whose main focus is aligned with our charitable objects.

Do you fund charities with large levels of reserves?
There are no restrictions on the size of the charity that can apply for funding but please be aware that the Trust will take account of a charity’s level of reserves when assessing applications.
Our organisation provides services to a broad range of people and only some would fall within the Trust’s eligibility criteria. Can we still apply?

You would only be able to apply for projects that specifically addressed our charitable objects, or were able to show that the main beneficiaries of a particular service would fit with one or more of our charitable objects.

Does the project budget need to be uploaded as a separate document?

If you are struggling for space to include the project budget within the recommended 3 pages for the proposal, please feel free to add the budget to the end of the proposal rather than submitting a separate document.

What is the average amount for an award?

For the Autumn 2024 Main Grant programme we will be seeking to make awards of up around £55,000, this is for the life of the grant, not per year.  We would recommend applications are structured over three years, at a level of between £17,000 and £19,000, or below if you do not need this much.